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Virtual Cacao Dieta
For The Modern Day Medicine Woman 

Spirit Connection & Psychic Gift Honing During The Samhain Portal When Veils Are Thinnest

Your Invitation:

This is a special opportunity to devote to, practice and embody the real work when it comes to Spiritual connection & learning.


To really and truly come home to the bridge that you are.
To seek connection where most would not even consider it an option.
To learn in a way that completely dismantles the belief system that wisdom and power are outside of you and/or inaccessible to you.
To learn in a way that ignites and supports the truth that you (and all humans) have access to the wisdom and power of the universe.



This journey is going to ask a lot of you, and it requires a willingness to go to spaces you have not been before, and devote in a way that feels testing to life as you know it.

It will also require - dare I say it, discipline. Which, in full transparency, is my least favourite! So you are in good company if you find it testing… 

Our intention with this dieta with Cacao is to welcome a healing, learning and honing journey as we move through the powerful portal that is Samhain - where veils are at their thinnest. 


What Is A Plant Dieta?

A plant dieta is the process of connecting with and learning directly from a Plant Spirit. 


Every plant has a living Spirit - with its own gifts, wisdom and medicine.


Plants are healers and teachers. And they are here on Earth to support our journey here as humans - on a physical (healing) level and on a Spiritual (learning) journey of self-discovery.


A dieta is a dedicated period of time (variable) where a “student” devotes to dietary and behavioural restrictions while ingesting a plant medicine, herb or remedy - while welcoming a connection with the Spirit of a plant, and allowing the plant to share its guidance, wisdom and healing medicine with them. 

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Sunday 27th October - Sunday 3rd November


** Live calls will be recorded & replays available for those who cannot make the lives calls **

What’s Included:

  • Dieta Preparation PDF 

  • Opening Ceremony Sunday 27th October 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 

  • (Optional) Daily Group Live Group Isolation (Monday - Wednesday 8:30 am - 9:30 am) or you can choose to do this alone each day - all will be explained in PDF & opening ceremony

  • ​Special Samhain Journey - Thursday 8:00 - 10:00 am

  • Closing Ceremony Sunday 3rd November 10:00 am 

Please Note:

This dieta includes restricting certain foods and other types of consumables (including TV, sex and social media) for a period of 7 days (though you may opt for longer if you feel called to. 


All calls will be recorded & replays emailed out within 30 minutes of the call ending - for anyone who cannot make the lives.

Energy Exchange

Tiered Donation Offering:

£22 (Minimum)

£44 or £66

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Who is this for?


  • Anyone who wishes to learn about cacao directly from the plant herself

  • Anyone who wishes to experience isolation-based practices in the safety of a contained group

  • Anyone who wishes to deepen their connection with Spirit and the unseen

  • Anyone who wishes to activate, hone & enhance their psychic gifts

  • Anyone who wishes to uplevel their devotion and/or integrate isolation practices into their every day life

  • Anyone who is ready to receive deeper support (from Cacao) to move through current challenges, emotional or mental blockages - and to get clear on any blind spots, illusions and unconscious projections to embrace a new stage of life - supported by your new or growing ally - Cacaocita


Yes! From just £22 for the full journey! 

Why am I offering this for such a low investment?

Because I want people to come and give it a go! 


Dieta has been THE most impactful learning/growth experience for me and my students over the years and I really believe in spreading awareness and supporting people to return to an empowered way of learning. 

About Your Guide:

My name is Felicity Weston

Felicity is a Medicine Woman, Intuitive Healer & Mentor - working with ceremony, ritual, sound, movement & energy. Over the last 12 years in service, she has shared healing journeys with thousands of people and shared her courses with hundreds.


After 6 years in higher education completing 2 degrees, Felicity found her way back to her soul’s path in 2012 and began to study & train in various culture’s Spiritual traditions, including South American Shamanism and The Medicine Wheel, African Shamanism & Ancestral Lineage Healing, Shamanic Womb Healing, Conscious Birthing, Usui Reiki Healing (to Master Teacher Level) Sivinanda & Hatha Yoga (200hr), and Advanced Sound Therapy. 


Felicity works with a number of plant medicines - her greatest allies, and has trained as a cacao-facilitator with Keith - The original chocolate shaman.


She has also completed trainings in ayurvedic yoga massage & bodywork, breathwork, naturopathic nutrition, among many other CPD courses.


While Felicity has trained in different traditions and has been initiated into many lineages, she does not share one specific lineage or tradition - but rather, allows her own unique soul gifts to pour through, and encourages the the same for all her students & clients.


Felicity specialises in Feminine Alchemy, Womb Wisdom & Ancestral Healing, as well as mentoring other healers to hone & trust their gifts. 


Felicity founded ookushana School Of Healing in 2016 which seeks to support those on the path of healing & awakening their gifts.


A Word From Felicity:

The most raw, honest and powerful word-gift I could offer you as a guide, that I wholly believe will serve you and your healing/spiritual work most powerfully is DEVOTE to your self-work in a way that pushes you gently but consistently to and through comfort zones. 

Do the things that test your resilience.

Do the things that cause the most resistance for you. It is through this devotion your biggest activations, initiations, healing and gifts will come. 

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About Theobroma Cacao Medicine

Cacao is a sacred plant medicine indigenous to Central and South America - and has been used for thousands of years in the Mayan culture for healing, spiritual and ceremonial purposes - and more recently the wisdom of this medicine is reaching far and wide, especially here in the West.


Feminine in energy, Cacao is known as heart-opening medicine, and the word cacao translates to “heart blood” in Mayan tradition. 


A little science for you: The caaco bean contains a psychoactive ingredient called theobromine - a bitter alkaloid which has a beautiful effect of both stimulating and relaxing - providing energy and improving focus, but increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain and beyond, and supporting the release of endorphins and dopamine - the hormones that make us feel good!


Cacao has also been proven to boost the immune system, as well as lowering cholesterol and blood pressure - modern research shows that theobromine is able to widen blood vessels and stimulate the heart.


On a spiritual and energetic level, cacao opens up our heart centre - supporting us to feel more deeply. Though it is important to remember this does not just mean love, joy and all the more pleasurable feelings - its opening the heart up to all, and the full range of feeling. Supportive us to connect more deeply to our truest self and the wisdom within our senses.


In my 7+ years working closely with and getting to know Cacao from the inside out, there is so much more to this medicine than I can offer with words, and I want to refrain from sharing too much as I want you to learn through your experience with her.


I hope you decide to join me on this pilgrimage within. 


I can recommend Forever Cacao and you can use the discount code: "ookushana"

Final Note:
Cacao Contraindications

  • Half-doses for anyone taking anti-depressants or blood thinning medication, and for pregnant women

  • Caffeine and alcohol must be avoided on days when consuming the medicine.

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